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  • Writer's pictureDzhulia Bogdanova

Bringing the installation to de Broodbode

Today was the last day when we had to finish up our installation. We had some things left to do from the last week. We had to glue the QR codes to the pedestal, glue the smartphone and tablet cases to the pedestal, and glue the instruction pictures.

I asked Marije to laser cut a a hence for the tablet and the phone. During the last gono go moment, Rene told us that it will be good to put piece of wood under the tablet, becuase he is not sure that only the glue will hold the weight of the tablet.

Julia painted the wood pieces before going to the schduled meeting. While the paint was drying, I measured the pedestal and marked where the cases has to be glued. When the paint dried, I glued the wood pieces and after that the cases.

While waiting the glue to dry, I meassured the place for the pen/marker box on the pedestal and marked it. I made a mistake, and glued one of the boxes in front of the Evening E, instead of the C. Thus resulted in me messing up the pedestal. I managed to remove the box and put it in front of the right letter, and painted the pedestal in front of the E with black acrylic paint. The place where I first glued the box is now visible and I feel so bad, for messing the pedestal up in the last day before the exhibition.

After we glued all the things to the pedestal, we took the letters down and started disassembling the pedestal.

Alex, Julia, and I brought the pedestal and the letters to the empty store next to de Broodbode. At de Broodbode, Julia talked to one of the poeple who work there and they tald her that we could come at 9:30 tomorrow morning. This means that we wil have 30 minutes to build up the installation, before de Broodbode opens for clients.

After returning to Saxion from de Broodbode, Julia and I cut out the instruction icons for the pedestal and then went home.

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